The culmination of four years, two blogs, a few songs, a blonde wig, a virtual farming habit, some spreadsheets, many things I said I would do and didn’t, some things I started and didn’t finish or lost, zero recipes, and many, many, many questions, I am delighted and terrified to announce the publication of my first book (an actual book, you can hold it in your hands).
The Rise and Fall of Jenny Goodguts is available in paperback and ebook editions.
What (real) people are saying
What a delight. On it’s face, it’s the blog of a mom who cares deeply about climate change (and yet is simultaneously bored by it and hates talking about it), but it’s really a touching, inspiring look at how the author (and all of us, really) grapples with her own self-doubt, iPad and Kitkat addictions, and deep desire to contribute something of value to the world. Any creative will laugh and cry in self-recognition at the internal tug-of-wars and fears and imposter syndromes that the author discusses with vulnerability and wit. It will be particularly enjoyed by creative people who are also parents trying to do it all, including being a good global and environmental citizen. As I read it, I shared passages with my wife, and we both laughed out loud at how closely her experience matched ours.
This book is officially a significant part of my happy place. I reach for it when I want realistic hope…the kind that lifts me to what is possible. There’s humor in it and at the same time depth. I find myself relating to so much as a woman trying to navigate life with kids wanting better for them, myself, the environment and the world. I also want to live my life and I enjoy conveniences. Reading this book makes me feel that I’m not alone in being a Dreamer/Creator, who also happens to live on this Earth, and has to engage in humanly things. I appreciate the Author’s candor, her humility, curiosity, and willingness to try new experiments. She goes a step further to share those experiments and it makes me keen on trying them out. Having read this book once, I keep coming back to it. I flip to any random page and start reading. When I am done, I realize that I have laughed numerous times. I also realize that while reading I have thought deeply about the environment around me and my personal impact in relation to the people and things I engage with. This book is a wholesome combination of hope with a rooted grounded sense of reality. It’s a pick me up with substance.
Author Jennifer Hole gives her readers permission to become learners. Through her honest and vulnerable accounts of conversations happening inside her mind, she shows us that true genius is the ability to hold and consider conflicting ideas while holding tight to our humanity. We don’t have to agree… even with ourselves. Life is about exploration.
A lot of fun to read and yet will make you cry and think. I highly recommend this book. It is somehow sweet, funny, poignant, deep, and lighthearted all at once.
A few RAQs*
I’m glad you asked. Thank you. Here’s my letter to the reader.
Where can I get a copy?
The paperback and ebook are currently available via Amazon. I am working on figuring out how to publish it as an audiobook due to the overwhelming demand for this from fans worldwide.
*RAQs = Rarely Asked Questions
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